In the heart of Haut-Médoc, where the Garonne river is the star of the landscape, lies Château Sociando-Mallet, a wine estate with a centuries-old history. We are located in the commune of Saint-Seurin-de-Cadourne, north of Pauillac. Its vineyards extend over gravelly soils, the 'graves', deposited here during the Günz Ice Age. Since its foundation in the 17th century as the property of the aristocrat Sieur Sociando, the estate has experienced fascinating vicissitudes. In the 19th century, the Mallet family acquired ownership, forever linking its name to the destiny of the Château. A new chapter opened in 1969, when Jean Gautreau, enraptured by the charm of Sociando-Mallet, decided to take it over. Under his leadership, the estate experienced a profound rebirth: the buildings were restored, the cellar enlarged and the vineyards extended and renovated. Today, it is Jean Gautreau's daughter Sylvie who carries on her father's legacy with dedication and talent.