Perticaia, in the archaic language of Umbria, is the word by which the plough was called, probably the tool that more than any other symbolises the transition from sheep farming to agriculture. We find ourselves among hillsides cultivated with vineyards and olive groves, dotted with towers, villages and medieval castles. Modern vineyards, as modern is the wine cellar, in perfect balance with the surrounding environment, taking care to maintain the appearance of the old farms in the area. Today, Perticaia boasts some fifty hectares of vineyards. Of these, more than ten are in Sagrantino. The land, all hilly, is set on a slight slope, at an altitude of between 320 and 350 metres above sea level, exposed mainly to the south, south-west. Perticaia is an organic estate, a model for the territory, and capable of producing wines of great expressiveness and elegance.