To be provided according to art. 13, Reg. UE 2016/679 (GDPR)

    Data controller identity and contact information
    The Data Controller is Giordano Vini S.p.A (hereinafter: "Giordano" or "the Data Controller") - holder of the trademark "Svinando" - with registered office in via Cane Guido 47 bis/50, 12055 Diano d'Alba (CN) - VAT No. and tax code 04642870960.

    Category of personal data
    Personal data that is provided by users is obtained by the data subject's subscription to the Newsletter: only e-mail addresses are collected in this way. The communication of such personal data is optional. However, if you decide not to disclose this personal data, you will not be able to access the Newsletter service.

    Purpose of processing, legal basis and storage time
    The data collected is processed in order to organize the periodic sending of promotional newsletters to the e-mail address provided by the data subject; The legal basis is the fulfillment of pre-contractual or contractual obligations (art. 6, paragraph 1, point b): the processing is aimed at responding to a specific request made by the data subject; With regard to the period of data retention, the data subject can ask to cancel their subscription to the newsletter at any time by following the instructions indicated in each communication to "unsubscribe".

    Data processing
    Personal data is processed by the Data Controller in predominantly electronic ways, and is stored within the company’s management system. Appropriate security measures are observed to prevent data loss or alteration (including accidental), unlawful or incorrect uses and unauthorized access.

    Scope of data communication
    Where appropriate, and in accordance with applicable laws and requirements, we may transmit your personal data in various ways and for various reasons to the following categories of end-users: External service providers acting on our behalf (including external consultants, business partners and professionals, IT consultants and technical support personnel who carry out audits and development activities on our IT systems); External providers of IT services and data analysis.

    Place of processing and transfer of data in non-EU countries
    Processing, including storage, of personal data takes place on servers owned by the owner and/or third-party companies in charge, and duly appointed as data processors, located within the European Union. However, personal data may be transferred to third countries, mainly for analysis and digital and social marketing services, or to social networks platforms. Such transfers are carried out in accordance with the contractual clauses referred to in the Decision of the European Commission of 5 February 2010 for the transfer of personal data to managers located in third countries, in compliance with the requirements of art. 46, GDPR and, where applicable for compliance with contractual obligations of which it is part of the interested party, in compliance with the provisions of art. 49, paragraph 1, point b), GDPR.

    Rights of data subjects pursuant to Articles 15 to 22, GDPR
    By writing to the Data Controller at the postal address Giordano Vini S.p.A. via G. Cane 47bis/50 - 12055 Diano d'Alba (CN) or at the e-mailaddress, a data subject can exercise the rights to: access (art.15, GDPR), rectification (art.16, GDPR), cancellation (art.17, GDPR), limitation of processing (art.18, GDPR), notification in case of correction or cancellation (art.19, GDPR), data portability (art.20, GDPR), withdrawal of consent, opposition to processing (art.21, GDPR) for legitimate reasons or for sending marketing and direct sales communications, even limited to one or more modes of contact (e.g. by post and/or e-mail and/or telephone), as well as to oppose profiling (art.22, GDPR) if connected to direct marketing. At any time, the data subject may request a complete and up-to-date list of data controllers and third parties to whom personal data may be disclosed.

    Complaint to the Supervisory Authority
    The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority, which in Italy is the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data – Piazza Venezia 11, 00187 Rome (RM)–, sending emails to, using the form available on the Authority's website.

    Data Protection Officer
    The Data Protection Officer can be contacted at for information on data processing.

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